Our go-to meetup point in Singapore is Zaffron Kitchen, an Indian restaurant in Katong that has a kid’s play area that’s as fab as the menu. We discovered it.
9 years ago
Have you ever had so much good food that you just wanted to stop time right there? We just had one of those weekends in Singapore as part of.
9 years ago
Two days after my bag was declared officially lost by Tiger Airway’s underwriter, I got a call saying my bag had been found. What the XXXX, Tiger? Very late.
11 years ago
It’s official. My luggage is lost. It’s only taken Tiger Airways 41 days to let me know. Given how frustratingly uncommunicative Tiger has been up until now, the email.
11 years ago
Sydney is much cheaper to fly to than Brisbane from Ho Chi Minh City. It’s also my baby sister’s current hometown. So it seemed only sensible to begin our.
12 years ago
My excuse was that I’m fuzzy-headed from grief. The travel agent had no excuse — she should know that October has 31 days. So our “booked through to Chiang.
13 years ago
“How much for two books?” a guy says, after spending a few minutes reading the blurbs of the books stacked on our sales table. “The books are $3 each,.
13 years ago
I walk past the strangely quiet beer garden, almost unrecognisable with daylight, a locked gate and empty tables. Past our local hawker corner, suddenly undergoing renovations, so no crowds.
13 years ago