Elegant wood-paneling, cool airconditioned and no menu. No bill either, if you’re a bit skint or just feeling stingy. Singapore’s Annalakshmi is a haven in many ways. All-you-can-eat and.
13 years ago
With less than a month left in Singapore, the city-state is finally showing us her best face. On Saturday night and again on Sunday night, we got a glimpse.
13 years ago
“Pretty gur,” says the tiny woman who’s emerged from the kitchen of the cafe. She is pinching Miss M’s cheeks and grinning. “Pretty gur, ah!” Miss M grins back,.
13 years ago
There was a time when I had a date every night. It was heavenly and I referred to myself as the luckiest girl in Vietnam. I worked nights at.
13 years ago
I found the whacky concept of prawn fishing, like frog farming, immensely appealing. Unfortunately, our prawn fishing expedition in Singapore was not as wildly exciting as I’d hoped. The.
13 years ago
Like wildfire, the 7 Links project is sweeping through the travel blogging community. Such a simple and appealing concept, and a little bit green, which is good. Revive (or.
13 years ago
“Good evening, happy Tuesday, welcome to bus service number 196,” says the beaming turbaned driver in a musical Indian accent. And so my love-hate relationship with Singapore’s public transport.
13 years ago
Two guys loudly discuss who to CC into work emails. I read a bit more of the paper, eat a bit more of my expensive salad and try to.
13 years ago