Thailand’s Secret Sausage Invasion

At some point in Thailand’s history, a not-so-fierce sausage-making nation invaded.

The invaders, were repelled, obviously, for Thailand is the only Southeast Asian nation never to experience colonial rule.

The invasion has faded into the mists of time, unmentioned in the history books, marked only by the existence of sausages.

The sausages retain some of the stealthy nature of those who introduced the product. They lie in wait in the markets, lurk on just about every street and on menus all over Chiang Mai.

Miss M, as famous for her not-eating as Thailand is not-famous for its sausages, has become a huge sausage fan.

She likes the chicken sausages, the cheesy-filled pork sausages, the beef sausages, the rice sausages and the tiny pink sausages on sticks.

Me, I like the local version – enormous curled sausages filled with lemongrass, pork and chili. They taste as intimidating as they look.

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13 years ago

By: Barbara

A career girl who dropped out, traveled, found love, and never got around to going home again. Now wrangling a cross-cultural relationship and two third culture kids.


  1. Would not have expected to see sausage in Thailand.

  2. me either! but yay, if she’s EATING!!! mustard, anyone??
    wandering educators recently posted..The Cultural Politics of Americanization Here and Abroad

  3. Funnily enough I was vegetarian for 11 years and then one day I turned up in Chiang Mai and one of those lemongrass and chilli filled sausages changed it all! My Thai friends sat me down and told me it was a must-try of the area, and feeling too embarrassed to say no, I ate it. I’m still eating meat three years later and I haven’t ever looked back!
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    • Barbara says:

      Hmmm. As a former vegetarian myself, I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. But the sausages here are damn good. I think the fermented pork sticks give me a headache though. They’re not quite sausages, but very closely related. I needed to eat a few more to see if they do trigger a headache — would be sad if they did!

  4. Amy says:

    Trying to find the magic thing to get some kids to eat! Now, if you can think of anything to convince my three year old to eat his veggies instead of trying to live on sausages and sauce…

    • Barbara says:

      Uggg. I know!
      Miss M has been surviving on corn and rice. Sausages have been an unexpected bonus. And last night she suddenly decided she only wanted carrots. How do you keep up with these whims?

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